THE BNP has been saying for years that UKIP is nothing more than a United States and British-Establishment sponsored political party that was created to ensure that the British Nationalist vote is perpetually split, thereby ensuring that a mass nationalist movement and political party can never arise in Britain that will withdraw us from the EU itself.

The UKIP leader Nigel Farrage is reported as saying that if Tony Blair can reform the EU to make it more of an American lackey and an economic tool for US interests in Europe, then UKIP will back continued British membership of the European Union.

For the members and voters of UKIP who may be wondering whether it was ever worth them joining or voting for the party we state this one fact.

If Nigel Farrage is so politically naive that he thinks an EU run by Tony Blair and George Bush and their cabal of war criminals, moral degenerates, capitalist crooks and politically-correct fanatics will be a benefit for Britain, then he really has lost all semblance of political judgement.

Only the BNP has a single clear policy on the EU - we will take Britain out.


Worcester BNP.