The June meeting commenced with the singing of Jerusalem, accompanied by taped music. The president, Betty Wolsey, read out apologies for absence and gave news of former members.

It was reported that Nancy Davis had received second prize for her sailor doll at the Bewdley craft show in May, and Margaret Chance had received a 'highly commended' for her seascape in lace.

Catherine Davidson is to be our delegate at the Albert Hall AGM where the resolutions are to be discussed and voted on. Details of a home economics and craft competition to be held in November were circulated to members.

Mrs D Norman was introduced to talk about her hobby, which is out of India embroidery. She works in textile design, incorporating fabrics, patterns and colours in fashion clothing and accessories. Examples were displayed including a child's jacket with colourful and ornate embroidery, shoulder bags, wallets and purses. There were also lengths of material and elephant drapes with tassels. Plenty to keep our members interested and time was given for questions. Mrs Norman was thanked for a very enjoyable presentation.

Nancy Davis won the patchwork competition with her needle or pincushion.

The next meeting is to be held at the village hall on July 7, when there is to be a presentation by Mr R Miller entitled 'Cuttings and Plan Propagation'. There is also to be a flower of the month competition.