What gives the leader of Wychavon District Council the right to brand any group of individual tax payers as "time wasters with a lack of expertise?"

Perhaps an occasional glance in a mirror might remind him that, as a fellow member of the human race, he is as fallible as the next man.

He is nevertheless in a privileged position, with the full professional resources of his council available to him for expert guidance in technical, legal and financial matters with those resources being paid for by taxpayers.

Are those taxpayers not entitled to be given both access to and help by those same experts to put meat on the bones of the rescue bid for the Lido?

Personally, I have no time for political arguments, particularly at local level where a first priority should always be to maintain the local quality of life and preserve wherever possible those physical features which help to retain the historical identity of the area.

Droitwich can be proud of its salty history and wants to maintain its flow of visitors exploring a fascinating past, not simply visiting another soulless supermarket.

Come on, Mr Jennings, show a little humility, bend a little and, on this occasion, let us see your council moving towards constructive preservation, not further corporate vandalism which has dogged Droitwich Spa for the past 50 years.

Dennis Brown, Blackfriars Avenue, Droitwich Spa