I AM a lifelong supporter of the EU but I am finding it increasingly difficult to give my support its current overall policy.

France and Germany have economic problems that are a result of their own poor housekeeping.

Germany, to be fair, has had to merge two differing sets of economic conditions when East and West Germany became one nation and it contributes the most of all nations within the EU.

France, on the other hand, has used its EU founder membership to exploit countries like Germany to prop up its non-productive and in-effective agriculture and its laid-back approach to industry.

From butter mountains to wine lakes, it has used every tactic - including fleecing hard-working Germans - to sponsor its failure to take on its own problems and solve them.

Now it is looking to the success of the British economy to bankroll its refusal to put its own house in order now Germany cannot be fleeced anymore.

The Common Market is a club for economic trade and industry and one that takes on genuine social reform and helps those who are truly in need. It is not to be used as a means of distributing wealth from the hard working to the lazy.

Any spare cash we have should go to solving poverty in places like Africa, not by sponsoring a country that would store its food to inflate world prices while others starve.

Robin King

Huband Close
