MEMBERS visited Birmingham Botanical Gardens in May where they were given a conducted tour by Ian Nex, archivist at the gardens, who had visited the club in August last year. The weather was good and the colours of the Azaleas and Rhododendrons were excellent.

The AGM took place on June 9 when Joan Woodfield handed over the chain of office to new president Jan Heeley. Other officers elected are Christine Scott, vice president/treasurer, Joan Woodfield, past president, Marion Buchanan, secretary and Betty Bullock, press secretary, with J Rigby, J Baugh, M Orme, D Seeney and J Le Gassick the new committee members.

Speaker John Bunting gave a talk on Alcester in 1940 and at the end of the Second World War in 1945. John has lived in Alcester all his life. He illustrated his talk with slides showing the different things that occurred before and during World War II.

He also mentioned the commemoration of the Town Hall as a war memorial for the 1914-18 World War, the visit of the then Princess Royal to Ragley Hall and the various church parades. He showed some memorabilia donated for the commemoration of the end of World War II exhibition to be held at the Town Hall on July 16 and 17. Joan Woodfield gave the vote of thanks.

The next luncheon will be on July 13 when George Hook talks about 'Mother of Pearl.'