THE June meeting was billed as a 'Surprise Evening' and it certainly turned out that way. Members arrived at the Village Hall to discover the skittles alley set up and ready for action. Members were divided into four teams and a friendly but competitive game ensued. It was announced that our skittles team had reached the final of the County Cup and had won third place out of a total of over 60 competing teams. There followed a

enjoyable ploughman's supper.

Business of the meeting followed. The annual May lunch had been held at the home of Virgini Eckersley and was well supported by over 30 of our members.

The Denman bursary was discussed and this was to be drawn at the July

meeting. The trip to Eastgrove Cottage Gardens at Little Witley

arranged by Jean Harper had been enjoyed by all. Future activities were discussed: The dates were confirmed of the next walk and the Tea Party to commemorate the 90th birthday of the Worcestershire Federation where members would have a rare opportunity of wearing our 'posh' hats!

A WI stall is planned for the Victory (VE/VJ) Day Celebration at Bentley Village Hall on Saturday, July 9, and members will also be serving tea and cake in the afternoon.

* REMEMBER: WI meets the second Tuesday every month at 7.45pm in Bentley Village Hall. New

members are always welcome.