Teacher looked at child porn on school computer

A KIDDERMINSTER man is facing jail after he admitted downloading child porn on to a school computer.

James Carl Roberts, a former teacher at Redhill School, Stourbridge, saved the images on to a PC when he was working there as a science teacher.

The 24-year-old faces up to six months in prison for five charges of making indecent photographs of children.

Halesowen Magistrates' Court heard on Thursday how Roberts admitted to police he had downloaded a host of pornographic images from the internet, and that a handful were child porn.

Chairman of magistrates, Mrs Rosalind Dace, told Roberts: "This was an abuse of trust.

"You were a schoolteacher and your victims were particularly young or vulnerable children."

Roger Malpass, prosecuting, said Roberts' interest was in young male adults, not children.

He said the defendant thought an underage boy and girl shown in two of the pornographic shots were aged 18 to 20.

Roberts, of Goldthorne Road, Kidderminster, was a temporary science teacher at the Junction Road secondary school, but was due to be made a permanent member of staff.

Mr Malpass said on February 2 this year it was reported indecent images had been seen on a computer at the school. They were found under Roberts' username and had been downloaded in January.

He was immediately suspended and police seized the computer - they found indecent images on its hard-drive and memory.

Andrew Wakeman, defending, said: "The vast majority of images were adult, a small minority were of children."

The case was adjourned for a pre-sentence report. Roberts will be sentenced at Halesowen Magistrates' Court on July 14.