CHOIR'S VISIT: A visiting Danish choir proved a huge success as they provided the entertainment for a concert at Pershore Abbey.

Forty-five members of the Esbjerg Holy Trinity Church Choir, who are currently travelling in Britain, sung to a 100-strong crowd.

Pershore Abbey's director of music, David Barclay, said: "The evening went superbly well, everyone was so full of praise for the performance. They came highly recommended and didn't disappoint.

"I would also like to thank all the families that put up the visitors in their homes. That was such a generous gesture and without these people the concert couldn't have taken place."

The next concert at the Abbey is named European Garland, on Saturday July 2, beginning at 7.30. The Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Cantata group will be performing under the instruction of David Barclay. Tickets can be bought on the night at £6 for adults and £4 for children.