A KIDDERMINSTER man currently serving an 11-year sentence for robbery has pleaded guilty at Worcester Crown Court to committing burglaries involving nearly £80,000 in stolen items.

Jai Redding, 26, formerly of Salisbury Drive, Habberley estate, confessed to police while in prison after the robbery conviction, said Miss Catherine Orchard, prosecuting.

He admitted breaking into Software Design in Coventry Street, Kidderminster, and stealing £22,000 of computer equipment. Other burglaries were at two houses in Trimpley Lane, Bewdley.

Miss Orchard said Redding asked for 31 other burglaries involving £56,800 to be taken into consideration.

After hearing that Redding's earliest date of release was May, 2010, Judge Michael Mott jailed him for four years to run concurrently with his present sentence.

Michael Aspinall, defending, said that Redding, who had 23 previous convictions dating back to 1992, wanted to "wipe the slate clean" before his release. He could not understand why it took police six years to speak to Redding about his past crimes.

Redding wanted to lead a normal life on his release and give up crime. He had a five-year-old daughter but had seen her for only six weeks because of periods in custody.