DON'T forget Powick Primary School's family fun afternoon tomorrow (Saturday) from 2pm in the school grounds. Organised by the Friends of Powick School, there will be quad bikes, bouncy castle, games and stalls. There is a barbecue with a bar plus raffle.

Members of Powick Guild were saddened to hear of the death of Pam Wade. She had been an active member for many years and renowned for her cakes. At the annual meeting on June 14, the officers were re-appointed for another year and several items were suggested for the coming year's programme. The trip to Eastnor Castle will be on Tuesday, July 12 when cars will leave Powick Parish Hall at 10.45am (for 11am). Passengers are asked to contribute £2 towards petrol costs. Entry to the castle is £5 concs and light lunches are served in the Old Kitchen. If weather is good, a picnic may be preferred. For further details, ring Rita de Boer on (01905) 830256.

On Wednesday, July 13 Powyke WI meets at 7.30pm at the Orchard Centre, Colletts Green when Graham Wren will talk about Summer in the Farne Islands. New members welcome.

Parishioners are invited to The Rev. David Nichol's institution to the parish of Holy Trinity, Malvern and St James's, West Malvern this Monday, July 4 at 7pm for 7.30pm.

St Peter's Church, Powick will be open from 2pm till 5pm on the five Sundays in July. Stewards are on hand to welcome and offer refreshments. Come and spend a quiet moment, light a memorial candle, or learn about the history of the building. The new facilities made possible through donations and fundraising are situated behind the organ. A new area has become available at the back of the church due to the removal of some rotten pews, please note that there will be a wedding on Saturday, July 2 at 1pm between Ashley Merry and Charlotte Hooper (of Callow End); and on Saturday, July 9 between Lee Newson and Georgina Slade (of Powick) at 4pm.

On Tuesday, Powick Ramblers will be out and about around Bastonford and Broadfields. Meet 10am at The Three Nuns, Colletts Green for a five-mile walk via The Retreat and over A449 as a circular tour. For more details, ring the leaders Rita de Boer on (01905) 83256) or Jo Walker on (01905) 357764.

Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter is holding another open day and dog show on Saturday, July 16 at its Hawthorn Lane site from 2pm to 5pm. There will be dog classes and agility displays, a raffle and tombola, barbecue and home-made cakes and tea. Entry is £5 per car. For more details, ring Ann Spensley on (01905) 830014.

The churches of Guarlford and Madresfield, in the united benefice with Powick and Callow End, hold their fete on Saturday, July 9 at Rectory field, Rectory Lane, Guarlford. Gates open at 12.30pm and there is a host of attractions including a dog show and scarecrow dressing competition plus usual stalls and refreshments. Entry is £1, under 16s free.