AS preparations began for Staunton and Corse Churches village fete there was a cold wind blowing and thick drizzly rain. However, spirits were high and, later, a very successful programme of events was enjoyed by a good attendance.

The pig roast and hot dogs were very popular and refreshments kept the ladies serving teas busy all the afternoon.

Line-dancing retains its popularity and the Five Star Liners could have kept going. The Gloucester Academy Junior Wind Ensemble played some delightful music and the girls and boys of Staunton and Corse CE School gave a fine display of Maypole dancing before entering the children's races. Another great favourite was the dog agility display and even the dogs did not want to stop! The stalls were loaded and there were various other attractions.

The first prize in the grand draw, a week's holiday for four, was won by Mrs K Holly of Hanley Castle, Marti won £50 and Katrina Hart £20 and there were numerous other prize winners.

The children's competitions for a vegetable animal was won by Charlie Rolli, the judges must have had a job with such a collection of weird and wonderful creatures. The ladies' skittles winner was Katherine Stuart Smith, men's Kerry Jones, under eight's Keiran Smith, eight to 12, Tom Penman.

The new Tirley community bus was on display, which with volunteer drivers offers a service in the area. The proceeds from the fete will benefit Staunton Parish Church, Corse Parish Church and Staunton and Corse CE School.

The committee would like to thank Canon John Evans, who acted as compere and commentator, Rosie Miller, head teacher, and the school governors for the use of the school and grounds, the judges, local trades people and all who donated prizes, goods etc. Also the band of men and women who manned the stalls and the team of helpers led by Stan Cotton and, in particular, special thanks to the small committee who have attended meetings and worked so hard.