Sheila Burns (Your Letters, June 24) asks for favourite statistics in relation to tackling global warming.

How about this? Each low energy lightbulb saves us £7 a year in fuel bills. Another that struck me was that it will take ten trees to absorb the extra CO2 emissions that result in a year if I leave my TV on standby rather than switching it off.

Finally, the CO2 emissions created by a meal made with pork and imported vegetables are eight times greater than for a vegetarian meal made with more local ingredients.

We have had vague good intentions about reducing our CO2 emissions for a while now but never really done much about it. It isn't easy.

For instance, we got fed up going from website to website, none of them giving us quite the information we want, when we know that many others must have gone down this route before.

We'd like to be able to get together with others trying to do the same and pool our experience. This would make it less of a chore and more enjoyable. Several households in the Ledbury area are tentatively interested in exploring this together. Our first meeting is in July.

If this idea appeals we invite readers to get in touch. We're on Ledbury 637223 or Perry.Walker

Perry Walker, Jane Horton

Orchard Lane, Ledbury