A WOMAN whose father died in Newtown Hospital has said £250,000 worth of improvements have come a year too late.

The Worcester News reported last week how the Aconbury Units are to be refurbished after a series of complaints and concerns from both patients, visitors and staff.

Pam Bradley, whose husband Des died in the Oak Ward in December, went as far as calling it a 'Dickensian dumping ground for old people'.

But now, Alison Chilton has come forward and described the 'appalling' care she believes her dad Howard Chilton, who lived in Wordsworth Avenue, Perdiswell, received in Oak Ward before his death in May, 2004.

In the 10 weeks he was there she claims the 84-year-old became doubly incontinent, and contracted MRSA, oral thrush and a bacterial infection.

Ms Chilton contacted the hospital chiefs at the time, who she says assured her changes would be made.

"It just seems unbelievable that this has been allowed to happen to another elderly person several months after I was told changes were afoot," she said.