DR James Roberts, Transport Spokesman, Worcester Green Party says: "Fifty years of unremitting road building and car park provision within the city (Worcester) has done little beyond fuelling greater car use."

Worcester doesn't have a traffic problem. Worcester has a housing problem. The politicians have built far too many houses for Worcester's roads to cope with the resulting traffic. That is the root cause of Worcester's increasing traffic congestion.

We are adding 500 new homes a year to our city. That annually adds another 2,000 car journeys a day to our city's traffic. We have seen massive flat and apartment development in The Butts. Hundreds of new homes are to go up in Diglis, and all the resulting new traffic will added to Worcester's Norman road layout.

If Dr Roberts' had said, "Fifty years of unremitting house building and development within the city (Worcester) has done little beyond fuelling greater car use," he would have accurately defined the cause of Worcester's increasing traffic congestion. And he would have highlighted the solution to Worcester's increasing traffic congestion, which is to end house building and development within our city.

Worcester's house building has been far greater than any level required to house our city's natural increase in population. Indeed, as the National Office of Statistics has acknowledged, house building is needed primarily, to accommodate those that are coming to our country. Instead of crackpot ideas to limit car use, what we need to do is recognise our city (and England) is full up. If we do that then the solutions to traffic congestion become obvious. End house building. End development. End immigration, and employ our own people, and you begin to solve "traffic congestion."

N TAYLOR, Worcester.