I AM writing to tell your readers about an action day called Sport Shirt to Work Day that takes place on Friday, July 8.

Whatever your team, whatever your sport, you can pay £1 to wear your favourite sport shirt to work or school and support leading addiction research charity Action on Addiction.

Get Shirty About Addiction! Why not organise a special sporting event to raise awareness about addiction and promote sport as a healthy way to prevent or combat addiction problems? Get inspired... organise a football tournament, a yoga initiation or just a game of rounders in the park, anything that will get your friends and colleagues active.

Addiction affects one in three people in the UK and more young people are drinking and taking drugs than ever before.

To register your school or business to take part in Sport Shirt to Work Day, contact Sarah on 020 7793 1011, e-mail sarah@aona.co.uk or visit www.anona.co.uk


Chief Executive,

Action on Addiction.