THE European Union is now as dead as the proverbial Dodo. Therefore, is it too much to suggest that Tony Eaves and people like him to pay some attention to other aspects of this world deserving of censure?

When Nelson Mandela, a man of good intentions, came to power in South Africa, he was hailed by the liberal establishments in UK, Europe, North America and the Antipodes. He is supposed to have established a "Rainbow" state. In fact, crime has reached such proportions in the Republic that, in comparison, UK and USA look like bastions of law and order. People live behind stockades and law-abiding people of all races live in constant fear of becoming victims of pillage, rape and murder.

Mandela has now been replaced as leader of South Africa by Mbeki. Mbeki is obviously the friend of evil Robert Mugabe, the boss of neighbouring Zimbabwe. Mbeki appears to be supporting Mugabe in genocide. So why did Blair and Bush invade Iraq instead of Zimbabwe? Two reasons - there is no oil in the African country and, second, Israel no doubt demanded the removal of Saddam Hussein.

