ORBITAL road only logical solution to our problems, read the Mayor's response to Dean Clark (Letters, Monday, June 27). The Mayor's suggestion is about as logical as digging up Sidbury in the middle of summer.

His letter seemed to be proposing the completion of the northern link road, because some experts said so. Clearly, reports and complaint letters from residents living on busy roads, which are regularly published in the Worcester News, do not account for much, if at all.

In his letter, he also cited the pre-southern link days to justify the completion of the northern link road. Well, the Sidbury, London Road and Bath Road sector of the city is just as congested with traffic now as it was then.

Building more roads will never relieve traffic congestion; it will merely serve to attract more motorists, like flies to muck.

I do not question the Mayor's banking and business acumen for wasting the city's taxpayers' money on such a proposal, because by his own admission he is no traffic expert.

I wish however, if the Mayor has nothing better to contribute to the people of Worcester, he should put on his chain of office and stick to cutting ribbons and making jolly speeches.

L SPITERI, Worcester.