LEADING business figures from across the UK gathered in Worcestershire to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the presentation and communication company, The DRP Group.

The firm, which is based in Hartlebury, marked the milestone with a formal black tie gala dinner, which was attended by clients including representatives from National Express, Thomas Cook, and Marks and Spencer.

More than 150 guests enjoyed a banquet and a special stage show featuring special effects.

The evening also saw DRP's managing director, Dale Parmenter, reveal the company's new corporate identity and slogan - 'Anything's Possible' - as well as announce some of the firm's recent acquisitions.

He said: "I wanted to demonstrate our motto and I am sure we achieved our aim.

"I was also pleased to tell people about our acquisition of two new companies. Through our subsidiary with Funked Up TV, DRP will now have a London base to handle music videos. We have also acquired the Midlands firm Corporate Media Displays, a fireworks firm, which will enable us to use fireworks at our events."