PLANS for new safety measures on the main road through Bidford were unveiled last week.

Warwickshire County Council invited residents to see the scheme, which involves reducing the speed limit on the B429 as well as making some structural changes to the road, at a presentation at the Crawford Memorial Hall on Wednesday.

Traffic projects leader Katrina Pedlar said there was a disappointing turnout, though most people have welcomed the £50,000 scheme, which is part of the council's overhaul of roads throughout the county.

It is the first B road to be tackled in the area and the plans would see the present 40mph speed limit reduced to 30mph, new village gateway signs, central refuges and vehicle activated signs to warn drivers to slow down. There would also be some more street lighting.

Miss Pedlar said: "The reason we are doing this is to comply with a Government initiative. They would like to see 30mph in all villages. Even though there is no existing problem on this road, the environment lends itself to a 30mph speed limit."

Villagers have already been consulted on the new measures, with leaflets distributed throughout Bidford.

The county council has received more than 200 replies, which will all be taken into consideration, and the scheme cannot go ahead without the full approval of the parish council.

If it is given the green light, work could begin at the beginning of next year and will take about a month to complete.

"There should not bee too much disruption as the only construction will be the central refuges and there will be a lot of signs removed," said Miss Pedlar.