WE are a recently formed mental health media group in Worcestershire and Herefordshire.

On Saturday, June 11, we attended a celebratory free festival highlighting mental health concerns in Stoke-on-Trent called Sanity Fair.

This was a wonderfully brave and radical initiative bringing these important issues into the public domain. It was fabulous - a truly outstanding event! Who would have imagined a whole street full of information points in the centre of a Midlands city? There were two stages, bands, street theatre, a stand-up comic and lots of stalls. Sanity Fair was remarkably inclusive for all ages, interests and cultures with good physical accessibility We returned inspired to create our own version of Sanity Fair.

We asked some of our group to sum up in a single word what Sanity Fair meant to them. Friendly, warm, vibrant, visual, optimistic, informative, celebratory, diverse, honest and most of all FUN were just a few of the responses.

Sanity Fair has it's own website at www.sanityfair.org.uk

Worcestershire Media Action Group in Mental Health