TONIGHT: Birmingham:

Marriott Hotel - Lupa.

Wolverhampton: Robin R'n'B2 -

Eric Sardinas and His Band.

FRIDAY: Shrawley: The New Inn

- jazz. Wolverhampton: Little

Civic - The Scare.

SATURDAY: Wolverhampton

Little Civic - Ripchord.

Wolverhampton: Robin R'n'B2 -

The Secret Police. Wolverley:

The Kingsford - Melvyn John.

Birmingham: The Hibernian -

Fred Zeppelin.

SUNDAY: Wolverhampton:

Robin R'n'B2 - Shana Morrison

Band. Little Civic - Metro Riots.

Wolverley: The Kingsford -

Mandy Stevens (afternoon).

MONDAY: Stourbridge: Rock

Caf 2000 - band showcase

night. Wolverhampton: Robin

R'n'B2 - Live band of the year.

TUESDAY: Ismere: Old Wagon

and Horses - Howard Sheldon

Trio. Stourbridge: Rock Caf

2000 - 13-17 year-olds disco. Wolverhampton: Little Civic - Play.