PARISH COUNCIL: Parish Plan: A Future Fladbury leaflet had been delivered and a public exhibition and meeting was being arranged for Saturday 12-2.30pm in the village hall.

Traffic Census: WCC Cllr Eyre had asked relevant officials to be prepared to present their results to the parish council. The noise test had not been carried out.

Station Road Verge Damage: The response from WCC Highways Department appeared to be that it was a countrywide problem and little could be expected to happen. It was agreed to write to one company whose lorries were damaging the verges at the turn into the village. Cllr Eyre pointed out that it was an offence to damage verges and the clerk was asked to contact the police.

WDC Cllr Meikle reported that the current 2.5 per cent increase in council tax element made it the 10th lowest in the country. A £250,000 underspend in grants for previous years had been earmarked for community projects.

Recreation Ground: An approach made by a local football club for their juniors to use the facilities for the remainder of this season and next years was approved subject to satisfactory financial arrangements. It was agreed to consider planting some additional trees later in the year to improve the bare appearance following Network Rail's removal of all their shrubs.

The annual parish meeting will be at the village hall at 7.30pm on Monday, April 24.

The annual parish council meeting is at the sports pavilion at 7.30pm on May 15.