GARDENING CLUB: Members were welcomed to the meeting and reminded that next month the club is hosting the Inter-club Quiz. Notification was given about the change of date for the annual supper which will now be on October 27. Mervyn Davies told everyone of forthcoming outings, including a trip to the Malvern Spring Show. The competition winner this month was Peggy Atherton for her sprig of heather.

Tony Hamblin was the speaker for the evening. He introduced his audience to the world of birds with his photographs taken in the Celtic Isles. Members were able to see at close quarters species of birds that are not usually seen even by keen birdwatchers.

A new addition to the evening was the monthly topical gardening tips presented by Mervyn Davies.

PARISH COUNCIL: The monthly meeting took place in King Georges Hall, chaired by Cllr M Stow. In the public time, it was requested that the grass be cut shorter than previously on the island in Arbor Close. Following a previous remark made of the untidy approach to Mickleton at The Butts it has been noted that since the hedge has been cut back along the footpath of Stratford Road there is a lot of debris on the path especially briars, but also revealed was litter - papers, bottles, tins etc. possibly discarded by passing traffic. The clerk will write to highways for help with this problem. Also promised was that the dog toilet will be in place shortly, positioned by Aveston Court, High Street.

Because of concern shown by parishioners of the ever-increasing HGV traffic passing through the village, it was agreed by all councillors to apply for a weight restriction order in Granbrook Lane.

Cllr J Medlyn remarked that past HGV counts showed a greater increase of these vehicles passing through the village but recent transport reports did not reveal this. Another village HGV count is being organised for May 2006.

Due to attempts being made to put graffiti on village road signs, this will be painted with an anti-graffiti oil. Also it was thought that presently there are too many redundant signs throughout the village so a count is to be taken and the findings reported.

The Plantation: Following a recent meeting between councillors ideas were revealed on how to enhance it. Already the litter bin has been removed and plans are afoot to remove the circular wooden seat enclosing a rotten tree stump, replace the seating area with other wooden benches, and plant shrubs and another two trees. Three landscape gardeners will be asked for quotes.

Mickleton will be entering the Bledisloe Cup again. Plans are afoot to form a separate committee and organisations in the village will be written to and hopefully two or more members from these will come forward with their ideas and help and keep Mickleton in the winning frame.

A request has been made by Mr and Mrs Perkins of Norton View for an additional street light at the entrance of the short footpath between houses/bungalows of Norton View and Cotswold Edge. The area will be viewed and reported on at the March meeting which will be on Wednesday, March 29 at 7.30pm.