BADSEY SOCIETY: Chairman Will Dallimore spoke at the society's AGM of complacency. The group had achieved so much in its four-year history that there was a fear of resting on one's laurels. He asked for new ideas from the membership in an attempt to freshen up some of its annual events. The officers for the coming year are: chairman, Will Dallimore; secretary, Maureen Spinks and treasurer, Terry Sparrow. The committee members were voted back on en bloc, with the exception of Liz Dyer, who has stood down, her place being filled by Mike Lovatt. The other members of the committee are Ian Gibson, Tony Jerram, Richard Phillips and Neil Thould. The AGM was followed by an illustrated talk on the History of Badsey Crops by Terry Sparrow and Tony Jerram. Graham Corbett presented a film of the society's Aldington Walk, which was made by the Evesham Movie Makers Club last summer. Copies of the hour-long production will be on sale in early spring.