EVESHAM and Pershore volunteer centres have between them around 350 volunteers on their books and many of them are there for different reasons.

Pershore Volunteer Centre manager, Kate Walton says it's the place to go when you want to get involved because it acts as a volunteers' 'job shop'.

"We can tell people what voluntary work is available locally and put them in touch with local organisations," she said.

The centres also run their own services, some of which are Government funded, like transportation.

Both Pershore and Evesham have schemes like single parent support groups, one-to-one befriending, bereavement services and transport help.

"We have drivers who will take people on essential journeys to the hospital or shopping but there are also people who are isolated and live in rural areas who need help," said Kate.

Helen Gitten, a helper at the Evesham centre, added: "The drivers play a very important role, particularly when elderly or disabled people need help."

Volunteers can benefit from helping others because there are possibilities for gaining experience in areas where they would like a career change or even an NVQ qualification.

"People are motivated to volunteer for lots of different reasons," said Kate Walton. "It could be that someone has helped their relatives in other areas and they want to give something back.

"There is no stereotype volunteer, the only thing that is consistent is the fact that these people willingly help others and the experience they bring is fantastic," said Kate.

"We have people who have volunteered for years upon years and it restores our faith in human nature seeing the efforts they make."

Do you want to get involved?

THERE is a volunteer bureau in most areas where you can discuss what you can do and get advice. You can look up your nearest one in the telephone directory or call Volunteering England on 0845 305 6979.