HEWETT Recruitment is launching a training academy for its own consultants.

"The new HR Training Academy will offer further opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge at a much more personal and individual level," said Louise Hewett.

"Our promise to our clients and applicants is to provide 'Recognisably Better Service' and we can only do that if each and every one of us is given the knowledge and tools to be brimming with confidence in our ability to deliver.

"We are committed to expand further and offer our services to more local people and businesses in Worcestershire."

Hewett Recruitment, which has offices in Worcester and Kidderminster, has also selected new recruitment software, to allow its team of consultants to work even faster.

"This world-class system represents a considerable investment and upgrades our existing software significantly," added Ms Hewett, whose company was recently presented with a Best Continuous Development Programme award by Lander Associates.