DRY roasted wit and acerbic commentary is something that us Brits seem to love, to cheer us up on a frosty November evening.

Comedian Rich Hall delivered a quality show to a sold-out crowd at Hereford Courtyard last weekend, with the added bonus of Irish stand up David O'Doherty.

He got very little hassle from the audience, with only one exception - he tripped up over Hereford's city status, and was not allowed to forget it by one feisty lady...

He dips into a bit of piano music here and there, with improvised lyrics based on the lives of audience members and it's all very quirky.

He grouched about being in love and he grouched about being single. He apologised profusely for most things American, and confessed to low respect levels for George W Bush.

It's a big ask for one man to make 400 people laugh, but I think he reached the parts that most comedians don't reach.

Rich Hall and David O'Doherty continue their bouncing ball tour of the UK and appear at Brecon's Theatr Brycheiniog on Thursday, December 1. Julie Harries