Well, what a week it's been! If you had told me a few weeks ago that I would have been welcoming Britt Ekland as the star of Jack and the Beanstalk at the Swan Theatre in December, I would have accused you of having had one too many.

She is a major international star, and normally not someone who I could get to come to Worcester's Swan Theatre.

(How do you know if you've got a really big 'name'? You don't have to put 'star of EastEnders' or some such tribute after their name. Just Britt Ekland.)

How did I get her? Following Liz Fraser's departure, I just got lucky. I was looking for a female star, Britt Ekland was looking for a pantomime, and we managed to do a deal. Sounds simple, but that's how it is sometimes. You have to have a bit of luck sometime!

Britt came down to Worcester last Friday for the Press launch. Occasions like that are pretty nerve-wracking for a theatre director, because you never know how difficult a star is going to be until they arrive.

Well - she was lovely, delighted to be in Worcester, delighted to be in the pantomime, and had an absolutely non-diva approach to the whole day. Great, can't wait for rehearsals to start in November. And don't forget to book your tickets - there's been big sales interest since people knew that Britt was coming.