Film review - The History of Violence, UGC Cinema, Great Park, Rubery.

THERE'S one word to describe this film, 'dark'.

The film starring Viggo Mortenson as local restaurant owner Tom Stall, tells the story of how a man's world is turned upside-down when his identity is called into question after a shooting at his work.

You should be under no illusion that this film holds back on the graphic violence, because it doesn't. When I saw this film, many gasped at its 'no holds barred' approach; it is sadistic with a sex scene that made many feel uncomfortable, but at the same time was well placed.

The cast is superb and it is they who make this film so haunting. The silence in the final scene will stay with you for some considerable time.

It's a reminder that we must all deal with the demons of our past eventually.

Rating: 4/5

Siobhan Stowe