DISASTER ACTION: Two events are planned for today and Saturday of this week, both aimed at raising money for the Tsunami disaster appeal. The first - a coffee morning from 10am-12 today at the home of Sheila Wolstenholme, Orchard Croft, Crest Hill, in addition to the usual tea, coffee and biscuits will have a sales table (contributions needed) and a raffle which is being organised by Jean McClymont. Lifts can be arranged for people who have no transport or who would have difficulty in parking close enough to the venue. Ring Sheila on 870021. The second, in the village hall from 2pm to 5pm on Saturday and organised by Jilly Jones and friends under the auspices of Oxfam, will become, it is hoped, a full-scale village affair. There is to be a jumble sale (Jilly is urging people to bring, among5 other things, unwanted Christmas gifts) an auction of promises, a giant raffle, a tombola, a fancy dress competition (entries at £1 per head) and all taking place against a background of refreshments continuously being sold by volunteers in the kitchen. Both these events were announced in St James' Church after Sunday's morning service which was led by Mervyn Huggins, who spoke about the disaster and what ought to be the Christian answer to it.

YOUTH PROJECT: Though, as yet, no replacement has been found for Neil Dunlop (the leader who left to become a Baptist minister some months ago) the search continues and, meanwhile, on-going efforts are being made by several volunteer helpers to keep at least three of the clubs going, details of which can be obtained from the Post Office. One of the leaders of the 10-plus group says it will re-start on Tuesday, January 18 from 6.30pm to 8pm.