TWO local young actors are set to show their talents as they perform at the Rep theatre in Birmingham next month, writes Lianne Cooper.

appearing together at the Repertory Theatre in Birmingham in An Inspector Calls.

Todd Lawrence, aged eight of Stourbridge Road and Kyle Ashworth, 10 of Packwood Road, Bromsgrove, are taking part in J B Priestley's moral drama An Inspector Calls.

Both boys attend the Betty Fox Stage School in Birmingham, where their dedication led them to the roles in the play at the well-known Midlands theatre.

Todd who has been at the school for more than three years has performed at the Rep before, as well as featuring in a BBC documentary.

This is Kyle's first production at the theatre after joining the stage school just 10 months ago.

Rehearsals began this week with the children working alternate shows with two other actors when the play starts on February 4.