By Lynda Morrison

ALL-male theatre company Propeller presents Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale at Malvern's Festival Theatre from next Wednesday.

Described as "one of the most haunting and profound stories Shakespeare ever wrote", the play tells the story of a man consumed by "an inexplicable jealousy" and the effect on his family, his kingdom and himself, setting off a chain of events "leading to the miraculous ending of reconciliation".

Propeller was formed eight years ago by director Ed Hall and a group of actors.

The ensemble share roles equally, play their own music and sound effects and are involved in all aspects of production including lighting.

The company has won Best Touring Production awards for the last two years, with Hall winning best director.

The Winter's Tale runs from April 13-16, evenings at 7.30pm with Thursday and Saturday matinees at 2.30pm.

Tickets cost £12-£18 (£6 students) on 01684 892277 or