FARMERS may be eligible to claim funding from both the new English Woodland Grant Scheme and the new Entry Level Stewardship, according to Richard White, of Strutt & Parker's land management department at Moreton.

Although the final proposals for the scheme have not yet been published, Forestry Commission sources have suggested that there would be no conflict between the two schemes.

Mr White said: "This means that a farmer could qualify for both £30/ha ELS grant over his whole holding and £30/ha over woodland on the same holding from the EWGS."

He added: "Joint funding will provide a good opportunity for farmers and landowners to manage their holdings sustainably."

He pointed out it was important to remember that applicants for the EWGS Woodland Management Grant, which replaces the Annual Management Grant, must identify works that exceed the value of the grant. Woodland holdings over 30ha will require certification under the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. This process will have to be paid for by the landowner/farmer but is subsided by the Forestry Commission's Woodland Planting Grant.