CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP: Twenty-six members arrived for the informal gathering on Tuesday, April 12 at the Vauxhall Conservatory, on the corner of Merstow Green, Evesham, which included four new members.

Arriving at around 10.30am for coffee and biscuits gave everyone the chance to catch up on the news. Although an informal group, it still comes under the umbrella of the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship - Worcestershire Branch.

If you would like to join, come along on the second Tuesday in the month and introduce yourself. Members are a happy crowd and all retired civil servants are welcome.

GARDENING CLUB: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 26, at 7.30pm in Wallace House, Evesham. Hilary Twigg will give a talk on Seasonal Interest and this will be followed by refreshments.

There will be no meeting in May as the club is taking their annual outing to Newstead Abbey to see the rhododendrons.