SUNDAY: Stratford Ramblers - Chedworth, start 10am for a joint walk with Mid Warwickshire group, 12 miles of hilly walking. Details: Brian 01295 670937. Evesham Ramblers - Start 10am for an eight mile walk, through fields and orchards in gentle undulating countryside, meet Monkwood Reserve car park, taking A443 from Worcester, north of Hallow, take left turn into Moseley Road, signposted Sinton Green/Wichenford, then follow the brown signs, bring a packed lunch. Details: Mike 01386 554438.

TUESDAY: Stratford Ramblers - Redhill/Binton/Temple Grafton, start 10am for a five mile gentle pace walk. Details: Sheila 01789 490208. Stratford Ramblers - South Malvern Hills, start 10.30am for six miles hilly walking. Details: Phyl/Moira 01789 266429.

WEDNESDAY: Stratford Ramblers - Blockley/Snowshill, start 10am for 10 miles moderate walking, one hill. Details: Sue 01789 763942.