On behalf of the Pershore & District branch of the Royal Naval Association, will you please allow me the opportunity of sincerely thanking all the thousands of people who came out to support our military parade and Commemorative Service for the 60th Anniversary of VE Day on Sunday.

We just couldn't believe how wonderful the crowds were who packed the streets of Pershore and cheered us on, waving their Union Jacks. Despite the short bursts of rain, nothing dampened their resolve to stand on the Abbey Park and join in the service - it was a truly, tremendous occasion.

When we put in the bid for the Dartmouth Royal Marine band back last September, it was a long shot. With events going on up and down the country, it was doubtful that our small town would be successful. However, luck was on our side and with a lot of hard work, we managed to secure them and everybody who saw them must agree with me that they were truly magnificent. We are eternally grateful to them for making it such an important occasion for us.

Our special thanks must go to Councillor David Noyes (Chairman) and all the officers of Wychavon District Council who helped us with the organisation and preparations. Also to our Mayor, Chris Parsons and Pershore Town Council, Reverend Kenneth Crawford, West Mercia Police Constabulary, Royal British Legion, HMS Forward, Worcester Territorial Army, Evesham Sea Cadets, Army Cadets, Canadian and USA serving Military representatives and everybody else who took part. Also to all the people who provided side stalls and attractions on the park and to Brian Young for doing such a wonderful job with the sound system.

Of course, the biggest thanks really has to be to all those people who so bravely survived the second world war and especially those who lost their lives. We will always remember them.

Ted Annis, Chairman of Pershore & District Royal Naval Association.