A TALE of murder, treachery, conspiracy and corruption in 17th century south London is all locked up in The Clink, coming to Malvern next week.

At the time when Elizabeth I is dying and the Jacobean era is about to begin, the play is set in an area of brothels and disreputable inns. Its characters include Elizabeth as well as politicians, bishops, alchemists, beggars and comedians, many of whom get to know the infamous prison The Clink.

The Malvern Theatres' resident amateur company, The Malvern Players, have chosen the play as their final production for their 28th year and it will also mark the start of an Elizabethan drama season for the company. There will be theatre workshops and a production in November using a representation of a Tudor stage.

The Clink is described as 'contemporary, historical and hysterical' in the same way as Blackadder and Shakespeare in Love.

It is on at The Festival Theatre from Wednesday, May 18 to the following Saturday. Call the box office for tickets on 01684 892277 or visit www.malvern-theatres.co.uk.