THE Rural Stress Information Network is sending all newly elected rural MPs a briefing on the causes and effects of rural stress.

The briefing will also include a shopping list of proposals aimed at improving awareness and responses to dealing with the problem.

Improving support for charities working in the field of rural stress, raising awareness of health and social care professionals and stress proofing government policies and their implementation are among the actions called for.

RSIN chief executive Renny Wodynska said: "The stress experienced by people living in rural communities is all too hidden. In many villages people managing on benefits or earning very low incomes are living next door to high earners. Problems include isolation, poor access to services, limited public transport and lack of affordable housing.

"On top of these chronic problems, many farmers are going through a tough time.

"This year huge changes are being implemented to the way that farmers are paid as a result of reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and major change brings major stress.

Many small family farms will find it uneconomical to continue farming. The impact will be felt throughout rural Britain."