PARISH COUNCIL: The April meeting of the parish council, chaired by Cllr Tony Wilkins, heard that two new dog bins had been put up, the broken manhole at the back of Windmill Close had been replaced, and that the Cotswold AONB marker stone at the junction of Front Street and Mickleton Road would be moved.

The chairman reported that after heavy overnight rain on March 29, raw sewage was again flowing down Armscote Road, and at Rosemoor the sewer overflowed at the side of the house and flowed round the rear where there was a large pool of water. The chairman had phoned county highways, Severn Trent and John Maples MP, and representatives from Severn Trent had come out to inspect. Mr Maples had sent a copy of a letter he had received from Severn Trent saying that it had arranged for a survey of all the main sewers in Ilmington to determine their condition and assess how much storm water was getting into the foul sewers. This would then allow them to discuss the problem of surface water entering the sewerage system with the county council.

The white lines in Valenders Lane would be included in the county highways' next programme of lining works. The parish council had asked county highways if it would be possible to do anything to improve the verges round the village, as some of them had been badly damaged in the winter. They felt that some of the verges should be kerbed, particularly at the end of the bungalows on the Armscote Road. The area manager had said that while there was no objection in principle to additional kerbing, it was an expensive operation.

A letter had been received from Mr K Hall of Keyte Road complaining about the parking of large vehicles in the Keyte Road car park, and about people parking across the pavement on the wrong side of the road in Bennett Place, thus blocking access for the fire and ambulance services. It was agreed that Mr Hall should be asked how often large vehicles parked there, and that a letter should be sent to all in Bennett Place reminding them of the reasons for not parking on both sides of the road. It was felt that the problem of large vehicles was the responsibility of South Warwickshire Housing Association

The parish council had heard that there was a proposal by the district council to stop reimbursing parish councils for the costs of mowing and repairs to children's play equipment. This would mean that about an extra £2,000 would have to be put onto the precept each year to cover these costs, and the parish council did not see why Ilmington taxpayers should finance the upkeep and improvements of facilities that were enjoyed by people from all over the district.

Cllr Hawkins asked that some recognition be given to Mr R Shurey's work in raising money for the defibrillator for the village. The whole project was entirely his idea, and he had done all the work, including organising the successful concert held in the village hall recently. The parish council was grateful to him.