A STAGGERING sum of around a quarter of a million pounds has been raised by Kidderminster Lions Raft Race during the last 25 years.

The number of people competing in the water-based dash for cash has plummeted in recent years, however, and organisers are hoping for a swell in the turnout to this year's event, on Sunday.

Speaking on behalf of the organisers, Kidderminster and District Lions Club, Colin Hill said the event used to see around 120 rafts taking part - but had only managed to hit a high of 50 in recent years.

Explaining one of the conditions to take part in the event was that participants must make their own watercraft, the "Lion" said: "I think it's because people used to have time within their working environment to make rafts but now they haven't so not as many people take part."

He added the event was "great fun", however, and urged more pleasure seekers to come on board.

"It's not very often that you'll get the chance to go down from Arley to Stourport on the River Severn on a boat you've made yourself," he said.

"We'd like to think we'll get an improvement in the number of people coming forward because we've advertised it widely and are hoping for a better response."

He explained trophies would be awarded for the best dressed and fastest rafts, which must be less than eight feet wide and have a crew of between four and 10 people.

The rules also state that a 10ft rope must be fixed to the front of the raft for towing purposes in an emergency and to assist with removal from the river.

Mr Hill added that safety was a paramount concern and divers from Stourport and Redditch would be on patrol and in the water.

The Red Cross will also set up three to four safety stations across the river bank. The Lions' choice of charity for this year's event is Acorns Hospice in Worcester, although individual teams can name their own good causes.

More information on the event, which starts at 9.30am, when the boats will be launched, can be obtained by calling Ron Cross on 01299 825230 or e-mailing ron@arundel.freeserve.co.uk