HARD-HITTING satirical thriller Popcorn will be staged by the Pepperpot Players in Upton.

Written by comic Ben Elton, the play is a fast, funny and stylish exploration of the power of the media and society's refusal to accept responsibility for its actions.

Set in Beverley Hills, Popcorn focuses on Bruce Delamitri (Paul O'Rourke), a director of ultra-violent but very fashionable films.

Bruce is on top of the world - his movies are hip and he's just won an Oscar for best director.

Wayne (Clifford Dawe) and Scout (Vanessa Dawe) are psychopaths who are killing people without apparent reason.

But Wayne has a plan to avoid the death penalty and he needs Bruce's help to carry it out.

Bruce is taken hostage, along with his soon-to-be-ex-wife Farrah (Karen Biggs) and their spoilt daughter Velvet (Leonie Allen).

What happens next is murder, mayhem and the highest ratings in television history.

The play is something of a departure for the Pepperpot Players, whose recent productions have included pantomime Rumplestiltskin.com and a stage adaptation of 'Allo 'Allo.

Director Kendra Yates said: "It is something different. We might get a bit of disapproval because of the content, but it's good for the group.

"People shouldn't be put off though, as it's got a message to say to do with the culture of violence in films and whether society is copying films or films are influencing society."

Popcorn will run at the Memorial Hall, Upton, from May 19 to 21, at 7.30pm .

Tickets are £6, including a supper of hotdogs, nachos and popcorn, from PS Presents on Old Street.