A BROMSGROVE band is aiming for stardom following a nationwide tour and the release of their debut album.

Shortcut to Newark, formed in the town in summer 2002 and have not looked back since.

They were signed up by Birmingham indie label Sucka-Punch in September 2004 and soon after released their debut album Gearing Up For Getting Down.

The band is made up of singers and guitarists Dave Warsop and Dean Ashton, bass player Mark Andrews and Redditch drummer Luke Johnson.

The four-piece describe their music as 'power pop' or 'pop-rock' and list their influences from Weezer and Jimmy Eat World to Elvis Costello.

When touring the UK in February and March with New Zealanders Steriogram, they played venues including Nottingham's Rock City and Birmingham's Bar Academy.

The local lads have also played with Fightstar, the new band of former Busted frontman Charlie Simpson.

With more material in the pipeline and a gig in Worcester organised for next month, Shortcut to Newark will now be hoping for a shortcut to stardom.

Singer and guitarist Dean Ashton, who attended North Bromsgrove High School, said: "Things are going really well and we are starting to produce our best stuff.

"The more we play together the better we are becoming as a band. We now hope to play as many shows as possible."

For more information on the band, visit www.shortcuttonewark.co.uk or www.suckapunch.uk101.com

Shortcut to Newark will play Worcester Arts Workshop on June 11. Doors open from 5pm with admission costing £5 on the night.