PERSHORE Choral Society's performance of Verdi's great masterpiece Requiem at the will be the first time the piece has ever been sung in Pershore Abbey and will feature the largest orchestra the Abbey has ever seen.

The performance is part of the spring concert and takes place this Saturday.

First performed in 1874, the Requiem is one of the most popular pieces in the choral music repertoire.

Dramatic in character it seems to burst out of its liturgical framework in the Italian tradition in which attractive tunes and an almost sensual melodiousness are not regarded as being out of place in church.

"It is a challenging work, a tour de force involving two choirs and four soloists and once again the soloists have been carefully chosen from the highly renowned Royal Northern College of Music," said conductor and musical director Andrew Wilson, who is looking forward to a truly moving and memorable concert.

The soloists are Laura Ann Hudson, soprano, Dominica Matthews, mezzo soprano, Jon English, tenor, and Mario Solimene, bass, who between them have performed round the world.

The concert starts at 7.30pm. Because of the extra large orchestra and double choir, there will be fewer tickets available than usual and it is expected to be a sell-out.

Tickets cost £15 and £10 and are available from Blue, Broad Street, Pershore, or Carole Oliver on 01386 860389 or 07808 887715.