A CHRISTIAN band's efforts to teach music and religious education to schoolchildren in Bewdley reaped dividends when more than 230 youngsters attended an evening concert they performed.

Flyers were given out at the concert by rock outfit, Taste, at St Anne's Middle School, advertising Bewdley Baptist Church's youth group, The Chill, which meets every Wednesday night. This also bore fruit when almost 30 new faces turned up at the club's next meeting.

Youth pastor, Jerry Parr, who is responsible for The Chill said he was "over the moon" with the results of Taste Week, which saw the band teaching RE and music, taking assemblies and perform a lunchtime concert at St Anne's and Wribbenhall middle schools.

He added the church was now extending the range of facilities and equipment available to the youth group, which is especially designed for middle school children.

More information on The Chill, which meets on Wednesday nights during school terms at Bewdley Baptist Church Hall, can be obtained by calling 01299 403267 or e-mailing jerry@bewdleybaptist.org.uk

Doors open at 6.15pm and close at 7.45pm.