THE cream of the crop of circus performers from Kidderminster are being sought to perform at the most famous circus ring in the country.

Blackpool Tower and Circus has launched its second nationwide bid to find the country's best young entertainers and has high hopes for the Kidderminster area.

The tower's general manger, Geoff Sage, said: "Last year, we were inundated with entries from Kidderminster and we are keen to offer local youngsters this fantastic platform to showcase their talents."

Regional auditions will be held in the summer and 12 finalists will battle it out in a national final at the tower.

The overall winner will perform as part of the main circus in September.

Entrants, between the ages of 10 and 30, are required to send a DVD or video of their talent, with their name, age, address and daytime telephone number to: UK's Most Talented, Alexander House, Station Brow, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 3NZ.

An application form can also be requested by e-mailing