I AM disgusted with the councils who are concerned with the following: The first band concert of the season, the park was torn up where the crazy golf course was to make way for a water feature, could this not have been done earlier in preparation for visitors?

Secondly, the bandsmen had to pay up to £2 to park their cars, they give up their time to give pleasure to visitors, why not leave spaces for them reserved for bandsmen only.

Thirdly, the Crown Meadow was locked, motorists could not park. Do we encourage visitors, I think not. Fourthly, I was told chairs were being provided for visitors, not everyone is able to carry their own, where are the chairs. Fifthly, footpaths around Albert Road and elsewhere are a disgrace, I would like to challenge councillors to loan a mobile chair-scooter and ride around the streets and see how they fare.

They appear to spend money as if it's a bottomless pit, when I was on the council 1957 to 1965 we worked for the benefit of the town, now they spend ratepayers money on items that could be done without.

MRS V M CORBETT, Albert Road, Evesham.