AS we residents of Stow come to the end of another invasion and the travellers depart, I fully anticipate the usual statement from the police that 'There were no major incidents at Stow Fair'.

There may not have been any murders, armed robberies or serious assaults but what about the marauding gangs of teenagers rampaging through the town and intimidating shoppers and tourists (watched passively by the police)? What about the deafening music pouring from vans and 4x4 vehicles as they speed round our streets honking their horns at each other? What about the vandalism? And what about the human excrement fouling the hedgerows? (Don't these people know what toilets are for?) Of course, all of these things are just 'quaint old Romany traditions' aren't they, so we shouldn't complain.

No, there may not have been any 'major incidents' but it certainly is not pleasant having to put up with this uncivilised behaviour every year. Indeed, why the hell should we? Who pays for all the mess to be cleared up? Yes, you've guessed it: we do.

The only consolation is that most of them will be gone by the end of the week.

ALAN SIMPSON, Evesham Road, Stow.