WHY, when other counties (ie Warwicks) are introducing garden refuse collection with wheelie bins or green bags, have Wychavon stopped this collection?

It is a retrograde step particularly for elderly people. Most could carry one or two bottles or jars to be re-cycled. Some can re-cycle grass cuttings - but what about tree prunings, hedge cuttings, dead tree branches and some weeds (I could go on)? What do they do with these?

Don't say - pay £16 for 10 bags.

These are people who are on fixed incomes. Unless they were lucky enough to be ex council employees on index linked pension.

The least you can do is provide one green bag a week for non-recyclable items. What you have done will further encourage fly tipping which we see plenty of in the countryside already. There is also the petrol involved for those who still drive and can still lift heavy bags which is increasing pollution which we are asked to try and control.

Does anyone think these changes through?

MRS JOYCE B WHITE, Crest Hill, Harvington.