MEMBERS of a Worcester choir will be belting their hearts out tomorrow night to celebrate four decades of performing.

The Oakville Singers was founded in 1965 by musical director Roger Gay and now has more than 200 members from across Worcestershire and the West Midlands.

Brian Boswell, concert manager for the group, said its success was down to its diverse membership.

"The Oakville Singers is made up of people of all ages," he said.

"I think children enjoy being a part of an organisation such as Oakville as it is creative, fulfilling and they are able to get together as part of a social context."

Another reason for the choir's success is that more people were looking for an alternative to sitting in front of the television, added

Mr Boswell.

"It seems there has been a re-emergence of people wanting to go to live events and being part of the atmosphere," he explained.

"It is thoroughly enjoying to be part of a developing and tight unit as is the case with the Oakville Singers."

You can see the reason for Oakville's 40 years of success at St Martin's Church, in London Road, Worcester, tomorrow at 7.30pm.

Councillor Allah Ditta, the former Mayor of Worcester, will attend the event and former members of the choir are also being urged to attend and reminisce.

The choir, which performs throughout England and Wales, has raised thousands of pounds over the years for charities including St Richard's Hospice, in Rose Hill, Worcester, which is campaigning to raise £5.25m to build a new hospice in Spetchley, Worcester.

Tickets for the concert cost £5 and can be obtained from Mr Boswell on 01905 458014.

emma cullwick