MIDDLEGROUND Theatre will enjoy something of a homecoming when its touring production of Dial M for Murder comes to the Malvern Theatres.

The Malvern-based group will perform in its hometown from Tuesday (May 24), following dates at venues across the country.

Middleground was set up in Birmingham in 1988 by Mike Lunney, director of Dial M for Murder.

Seven years later, Mr Lunney moved to The Wyche, bringing the company with him. It last appeared at Malvern Theatres two years ago, with a production of The Holly and the Ivy.

Mr Lunney said Malvern was an ideal place to run the company.

"In London, you can't park anywhere, everything is over-priced and the stress levels are ten-fold," he said, "Malvern is England's best kept secret. As long as you've got email and somewhere to rehearse, it's perfect."

He said his latest production offered a fresh take on the classic thriller, best known for the 1954 film adaptation by Alfred Hitchcock.

It follows retired tennis star Tony Wendice, who has unashamedly married Sheila for her money. When it becomes obvious that she is in love with Max, Tony begins to plot her murder with the help of hired hitman Captain Lesgate.

While the play mirrors the film in many aspects, Mr Lunney said he had also tried to give it a new twist.

Blues music provides an unusual background to the play's formal, clipped dialogue, while film projections and clever lighting are also used to give an updated feel.

Mr Lunney, who appears on stage as a police constable, said: "It's a very strong play, which has been around a long time and has had lots of revivals by repertory and amateur companies.

"What I wanted to do was not to produce another tired performance of the piece, but to inject some modernity and life into it."

Dial M for Murder runs at 8pm in the Festival Theatre from Tuesday to Saturday, May 24-28. Matinees are at 2.30pm on Wednesday and Saturday.

For tickets and further details, call 01684 892277.